The Montessori Difference

*From the AMI archives

"Education should no longer be mostly imparting of knowledge, but must take a new path, seeking the release of human potentialities." - Maria Montessori

Montessori education builds a child’s capability to become a fulfilled and productive adult able to contribute to the world—at home, at work, and in their community. Maria Montessori’s observation of human development from birth to adulthood led to an education approach that supports children’s natural development, providing the skills and support to reach their full potential in life. With a strong emotional, behavioural, and moral foundation, children become motivated, active, and independent learners who are prepared for the real world.

The Montessori approach provides children with enduring intellectual capabilities, achieved through the framework of social and emotional learning.
Montessori develops the whole child. Academics and knowledge-building are key qualities of Montessori, as is the ability to think creatively and understand the needs of others. When these fundamental skills are fostered early in life, children gain the capability to problem solve, persevere, and interact well with others in any circumstance.

Montessori teachers guide children through discovery.
Montessori teachers are experts in child development, guiding children to learn independently and reach their unique potential. Children have the freedom to engage in their own learning experience and the Montessori teacher is there to support the child throughout this process.  

A unique and engaging learning environment.
Unlike traditional classrooms, Montessori learning environments are designed to fit the specific needs of each child’s stage of development. Learning is all about the activity and independence of the child to find out what they need at each particular moment.

Who is Montessori?

The Montessori method of education was developed by Dr. Maria Montessori. A thrice-Nobel-Peace-Prize-nominated educator who was one of the first female Italian physicians. Dr. Montessori developed this approach through the scientific observation of children. Through it, Dr. Montessori found consistent, naturally developing tendencies and characteristics that would serve as the foundation for the creation of optimally prepared environments that would encourage and support the realization of children’s full potential. Thus, helping the children become independent thinkers rather than submissive pupils. In 1931, Dr. Montessori hosted Mahatma Gandhi who was a supporter of her method. Today, her approach educated many generations of people all over the world.
Sources: TIME Magazine 100 Women of the Year and AMI/USA.

What is AMI?

AMI is founded by Dr. Montessori in 1929 to preserve the authenticity, standard, and integrity of the method she envisioned. Today, AMI ensures and is building upon the approach without compromising its integrity in addition to training teachers and providing support and resources for authentic Montessori pedagogy.